Hi, my name is on my banner. So is the name of my book.
Learn more about my banner at Doug Osborne DOES NOT QUIT and my award-winning book at Doug Osborne Does Not Quit: The Book.
Watch my 1-minute video titled “Hello world, hear me yell NOT TODAY!” Alternately, you can watch, like, and share the video on TikTok.
Hi, my name is on my banner and I’m a software engineer on disability, but I’m on a mission to get a job and go off of disability.
My banner reminds me to keep fighting no matter how many times I get knocked down and feel like quitting. And I’ve been knocked down a whole lot while pursuing my mission. Since I hung my banner last May, I’ve been rejected so many times that it feels like I’ve been playing 1-on-1 with LeBron James. But I have not quit, and this is how I keep picking myself back up to fight again.
I start every morning by looking at my banner and saying “Not today.” But the best part of my day is after I’ve worked hard on my mission, then I kick my ass until I finish my workout, and then I get to say it like “NOT TODAY!!!!” because I DID NOT QUIT today! Thank you.
Learn more about me at About Me.
I Do 3 Things, Times 2, Plus 1
In addition to writing books, I also write software and make art. Sometimes I even write software so I can make art, such as my Puzzle Box project. I also run, bike, and swim to train for my other mission of competing in triathlons again. However, more than anything, I like to solve problems.
I also do many other things, but the one thing I do not do is QUIT.

Software Projects
Main page: Software
Minify – Minify is an electronic discovery software solution that I wrote for Digital Legal Services. The success of Minify led to the formation of Minify, LLC to market its two main products: Minify Data, an eDiscovery processing application, and Minify Discovery, a web review platform. The highlight (so far) of my professional career because it was a massive undertaking, it solved hard problems better than competing software, and it saved a ton of money.
Puzzle Games – A series of four connect-the-dots puzzle games I wrote, available at the Google Play Store. At the heart of the software is a level generator that became so good at creating puzzles like a human that it passed the Turing test.
The Solution to Darts? – For Part 1 of this project, I demonstrate a mathematical solution to several target optimization problems of increasing complexity for the game of darts. For Part 2, I tracked over 30,000 of my dart throws to test my solution and adapted it for an actual human darts player. Possibly my favorite project because it is about a problem that I did not quit thinking about until it was solved.
I also wrote a lot of software for Puzzle Boxes, Computer Generated Line Art, and Color Grids, but these are listed under Art Projects.
Art Projects
Main page: Art
Puzzle Boxes – A new and unique plastic artform that combines 3D geometry, engineering, and artisan crafting. My favorite art project because the end results are super cool, albeit time-consuming to achieve.
Computer Generated Line Art – Unique computer generated artwork created by the level generator that I wrote for my puzzle games.
Color Grids – Another type of computer generated artwork featured on this site, where my program fills in a grid with colors according to a customizable set of rules. Used to solve mind-bogglingly hard problems.
Main page: Doug Osborne Does Not Quit: The Book
Doug Osborne Does Not Quit: The House Behind My Banner is an inspirational memoir I wrote about perseverance and overcoming mental disability. It has received rave editorial reviews and the June 2023 Gold Book Award from Literary Titan.
To Be or Not to Be Disabled?
In 2021, I made my choice and have been on an incredible journey ever since. In 2023, I wrote a book about my journey.
Hi, my name is on my banner. I’m a software engineer on disability, diagnosed with autism, ADHD, and at times anxiety and depression. At the start of 2021, I stopped using these as an excuse and began my mission of getting a work-from-home job and going off disability. Unfortunately, my mission was delayed because my landlord, Bob, wanted to sell the house I was renting.
After getting pre-approved for a mortgage, I found a great place for me to continue my mission: a four-season vacation home in Summit, New York. While I was trying to buy my dream house, Bob, two attorneys, and a loan officer tried to bully me and jeopardized my home purchase, but they all underestimated me. Getting past them was far from easy, and the day I won the battle to buy my house was the best of my life so far.
As of March 2023, I’ve still yet to complete my mission, even though I’ve interviewed with some 30 companies since I hung my banner. But like I had to in order to buy my first house, I am not about to quit fighting until I finally succeed.
Because Doug Osborne DOES NOT QUIT.
What people are saying about Doug Osborne Does Not Quit
“Join Doug on his amazing journey to achieve mastery of his life… It will motivate and inspire you to stop saying you can’t and to believe that you can… Doug is an inspiration to all who know him or read his book.” —Philip van Heusen, Readers’ Favorite, ★★★★★
“Once in a while, we stumble upon a book whose impact is downright impactful and life-affirming. Doug Osborne Does Not Quit is certainly one of those books… a searing and sublimely written memoir with a lasting impact on one’s mind.” —Lily Andrews, Feathered Quill Book Reviews, ★★★★★
“While teeming with humor and an uplifting spirit, this memoir had me shedding tears throughout my reading journey… a remarkable and multifaceted work from a fellow neurodivergent individual, resonating deeply as a sincere and heartfelt narrative.” —Literary Titan, ★★★★★
Click on the links to read the full editorial reviews from Readers’ Favorite, Feathered Quill Book Reviews, Literary Titan, Self-Publishing Review, and Online Book Club.
Do You Believe Now?
My first book covers 2021 and the start of my mission of getting a job and going off disability. I am currently working hard to complete my mission so I can write the ending to the sequel, Not Today!
Doug Osborne Does Not Quit is about believing in yourself, while Not Today! will be about trying and failing over and over and over again until you finally succeed.
Do You Believe Now? (title inspired by Coach Prime) will conclude the trilogy, and will be about the fight for my future success. I will begin the road to success by doing whatever it takes to make an impact for my next company.
Not Today! and Do You Believe Now? Check out my resume and software page, and feel free to contact me at DougO1081@gmail.com.
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