Christmas Tree Box

A 120 piece “Christmas Tree Box” painted 11 different colors

The two parts of a Christmas Tree Box. The top part fits over a 2 .5 inch lip that is glued inside the bottom part.

This is the 3rd box that I made for my Decorative Box Project.  The box started from a simple AutoCAD drawing I made of 3 cones and a cylinder, which was then made into an 84 sided box design by my program that is the first image in the gallery below.  I tweaked this design (adding the top cube among other things) and added the cut plane and lip.  Then my program added finger joints and created instructions for a CNC machine to cut the 120 pieces.  I spray painted the top pieces white and the sides four shades of green and I hand-painted the fingers 7 different colors (5 for the lights plus white and gold).   I finished making the box at 7 PM on Christmas Eve, just in time to give it to my mother for Christmas. 

Sides:  96

Pieces: 120 (12 lip pieces, plus 12 extra pieces for the sides that are split by the cut plane). 

Dimensions: 13x8x8 units. 

Unit Size : 1 1/8th (1.125) inches.

Physical Dimensions 14 5/8 (14.625) x 9 x 9 inches. 

Kerf adjustment:  0.00425 inches for the unpainted trunk and lip pieces, 0.0035 inches for the 96 painted pieces. 

Colors:  White (top pieces), spring green (front), emerald green (right), hunter green (back), meadow green (left).  Fingers: Red, yellow, blue, purple, aqua, white and gold.