111×99 Is Close

The longest phase of the process is complete – my program has generated 12,017 levels in about 200 hours of processing and is now running the similarity filtering to pick 60 of those levels for imaging.  This should take between 10-12 hours – after which it will generate 12 images for each of the 60 levels, which will probably take about 4 hours.  

I will be asleep before it finishes the selection and after it finishes generating images – but if all goes well – my program should immediately start making levels for the following set (111×109).  My computer gets no rest. 

After it’s done it’s job – it’s my turn – which is why I’ve made 4 blog entries in 1 day – I won’t touch the website for days and anything unfinished will likely be forgotten (the fate of many of the pages on this site, unfortunately).