I finished the 100×100 #2 set a week ago, and I will see my first image for the next set (120×120) in 3 days.
So, I decided to make new images for some of the levels in the 80×80 set.
Here is the result: 80×80 Remake.
The original set had 37 images for 19 levels; this version has only 7 images for 6 levels (still, more than the last 2 sets I’ve posted). I generated new images for 16 of the 19 levels in the original set; decided on a 10 image/10 level remake; then dropped 4 levels (even after editing images for 3 of them) because either they didn’t fit, I didn’t like them as much as the rest, or I didn’t want to spend time editing them.
I think the levels are really good – probably the best set of levels of any set yet (including the 6 sets with larger board sizes I made afterwards).
I’ll post more tomorrow – including comparisons with images from the original set. I won’t post before/after editing versions because my editing efforts were mostly in vain with very modest improvements for 6 out of the 7 images.