Doug Osborne Does Not Quit: The House Behind My Banner is an award-winning, inspirational memoir about perseverance and overcoming mental disability. The eBook and paperback editions are available on Amazon: Paperback edition | Kindle edition.
The paperback edition is also available at W. Whitman Books in Middleburgh, NY and Liberty Rock Books in Hobart, NY.
To Be or Not to Be Disabled?
In 2021, I made my choice and have been on an incredible journey ever since. In 2023, I wrote a book about my journey.
Hi, my name is on my banner. I’m a software engineer on disability, diagnosed with autism, ADHD, and at times anxiety and depression. At the start of 2021, I stopped using these as an excuse and began my mission of getting a work-from-home job and going off disability. Unfortunately, my mission was delayed because my landlord, Bob, wanted to sell the house I was renting.
After getting pre-approved for a mortgage, I found a great place for me to continue my mission: a four-season vacation home in Summit, New York. While I was trying to buy my dream house, Bob, two attorneys, and a loan officer tried to bully me and jeopardized my home purchase, but they all underestimated me. Getting past them was far from easy, and the day I won the battle to buy my house was the best of my life so far.
As of March 2023, I’ve still yet to complete my mission, even though I’ve interviewed with some 30 companies since I hung my banner. But like I had to in order to buy my first house, I am not about to quit fighting until I finally succeed.
Because Doug Osborne DOES NOT QUIT.
What people are saying about Doug Osborne Does Not Quit
“Join Doug on his amazing journey to achieve mastery of his life… It will motivate and inspire you to stop saying you can’t and to believe that you can… Doug is an inspiration to all who know him or read his book.” —Philip van Heusen, Readers’ Favorite, ★★★★★
“Once in a while, we stumble upon a book whose impact is downright impactful and life-affirming. Doug Osborne Does Not Quit is certainly one of those books… a searing and sublimely written memoir with a lasting impact on one’s mind.” —Lily Andrews, Feathered Quill Book Reviews, ★★★★★
“While teeming with humor and an uplifting spirit, this memoir had me shedding tears throughout my reading journey… a remarkable and multifaceted work from a fellow neurodivergent individual, resonating deeply as a sincere and heartfelt narrative.” —Literary Titan, ★★★★★
“an inspiring memoir about the challenges and triumphs of overcoming disability, showing what can be achieved by never giving in to your negative internal voice, or anyone else who tries to stop you in the process.” —Self-Publishing Review
“Doug’s writing style is smooth, and you’ll just find yourself turning pages… The book was entertaining and inspiring. Its editing was exceptional. Therefore, I rate it five out of five stars.” —Hager Salem, Online Book Club, ★★★★★
“Fabulously interesting, quirky, unique, and serious while entertaining” —Susan Read, Award-Winning English Teacher
“This is an incredible journey from a man that just does not quit! He is a brilliant “code warrior” but an even better author. Want inspiration? Read this!” —David C. Johnson, retired, former Director of Development at Harvard University
Click on the links to read the full editorial reviews from Readers’ Favorite, Feathered Quill Book Reviews, Literary Titan, Self-Publishing Review, and Online Book Club.
Author Biography
This was written for my author bio page at Feathered Quill:
A decorated mathlete in high school, Doug Osborne hated writing so much that he failed to graduate with his class in 2000. Ten years later, Doug could finally realize his full potential after being diagnosed with ADHD and autism spectrum disorder. Doug then built a distinguished career as a software engineer and leading expert in the field of Electronic Discovery before depression grounded his life to a halt in 2016.
Due to his depression and other diagnoses, Osborne went on Social Security Disability Insurance in 2018. In 2021, Doug decided to stop being disabled and began his mission of getting a job and going off disability. In 2022, he hung a banner outside his house to “remind me to keep fighting no matter how many times I get knocked down and feel like quitting.” In 2023, he wrote an inspirational memoir about his banner and mission.
Doug Osborne Does Not Quit is named after the words on Doug’s banner. It shares many of his accomplishments since 2021, although these have yet to include completing his mission. Doug’s mission has since expanded to include making a positive impact in this world, whether that involves writing software, books, or whatever else it takes. Doug says he will never quit fighting for his mission, but admits he has been knocked down far more times than he ever imagined.
Doug is currently fighting to finish his original mission so he can write the ending to his book’s sequel, Not Today! “Not Today” is what Doug says to his banner twice a day: quietly as his morning prayer, and after working hard on his mission, with authority, because he did not quit today!
According to Doug, “Doug Osborne Does Not Quit is about believing in yourself, while Not Today! will be about trying and failing over and over and over again until you finally succeed.”

Author Interview
Author Interview with Literary Titan
Read this author interview at Literary Titan:
Doug Osborne Does Not Quit tells of your experiences refusing to live behind the label of disabled and your journey to finding a work-from-job and buying your first home. Why was it important to share your story?
There were two related stories I wanted to share, captured by my book’s title and subtitle.
The title is named after the words on my banner, which reminds me to keep fighting no matter how many times I get knocked down and feel like quitting. The title story is about my banner and my ongoing mission of getting a job and going off disability.
I share my banner story to inspire others to keep fighting until they achieve their goals, and to inspire myself to stay true to my banner. Prior to publishing it in a book, I shared it in various forms with everyone I know and thousands of people I don’t know. The most widespread edition is a one-minute video with the caption: “Hi, my name is on my banner, and I want the world to hear me yell NOT TODAY!” “Not today” is what I say to my banner twice a day: quietly as my morning prayer, and at the end of the day, with authority, because I did not quit today!
My book begins and ends with my banner. It is the most powerful version of this story yet, accentuated by what goes on in between.
The middle and bulk of my book follow the subtitle plot, The House Behind My Banner, which begins shortly after the start of my mission. This is the first time I’ve publicly shared my account of the battle to buy my first house so I could continue my mission. More importantly, this story is about the fight to overcome my disability, getting past those who blocked my path, and in the process learning that I am actually far from disabled. The House Behind My Banner teaches valuable lessons, and I particularly enjoyed recalling the seminal moments of my life described in “Revenge of the Nerd,” “Redemption,” and “Home.”
What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?
Disability should not be confused with inability. For some people like me, to be or not to be disabled is a choice and not a diagnosis. For others with autism or related cognitive disorders, being “neurodivergent” instead of “neurotypical” is not a bad thing. For everyone, people should treat other people with respect, regardless of their current occupation or disability status.
What is a common misconception you feel people have about living with a disability?
I honestly don’t know which misconceptions are common, so I’ll just state my opinion that any conception about living with a disability is a misconception. One of the main points of my book is that people should not judge or underestimate anyone because of that d-word.
What is one thing you hope readers take away from your story?
Philip Van Heusen for Readers’ Favorite summed it up as well as I could: “stop saying you can’t and believe that you can.” If you simply believe that you can, you might be surprised at what you can do.
This is the theme of a short chapter of my book, “Can I Walk Through Walls?” While I didn’t really suspect that I could walk through walls, the point is you should not assume you can’t do something until you have tried to do it. So, why not give it a shot? The worst that can happen is you fail, but even that should not discourage you.
Doug Osborne Does Not Quit is about believing in yourself, while the sequel, Not Today!, will be about trying and failing over and over and over again until you finally succeed.

There are three parts to Doug Osborne Does Not Quit, with each part separated into several short chapters.
Part 1 – The Mission and the House
The start of my mission, how it was delayed by my landlord’s plan to sell his property, and my plan to buy my first house so I could resume my mission.
- The Start of My Mission At the start of 2021, I began my mission of getting a work-from-home job and going off disability.
- The Dream Job In April 2021, I nearly got the best job of my life as a result of my first job application in over 7 years.
- Postponing My Mission Due to Bob’s plan to sell the house I was renting, I postponed my mission to find another place to live.
- The Dream House In May 2021, I decided to buy my first house, and found a great place for me to continue my mission.
Part 2 – The Eviction
The eviction lawsuit that violated CT’s eviction moratorium and jeopardized my house purchase.
- Get Off My Property On May 27th, I was served a Notice to Quit Possession that violated CT’s eviction moratorium and stated that I must vacate my home by June 7th.
- Why Is This Eviction Still Happening? On June 21st, I was served a summons to court in a summary process eviction action that violated the moratorium. I then wrote an email to Bob’s attorney, “Jill”, and asked her why this eviction was still happening.
- Pay Up and We’ll Talk Jill’s response to my email.
- She Should Have Known Better On June 25th, I spoke to an attorney, “Sam”, who told me that the eviction violated the moratorium. When he found out that “Jill” was the attorney behind the eviction, Sam said, “She should have known better.”
- Can I Go On Offense Now? After I found out that Bob and Jill had violated a law, I set up a meeting with Sam to discuss the possibility of countersuing.
- Revenge of the Nerd My meeting with Sam was more like an interrogation than a legal consultation.
- Can I Walk Through Walls? On June 30th, I filed a motion to dismiss at the courthouse in Torrington, CT. The judge dismissed the eviction because “The Notice to Quit does not comply with the current executive orders.”
Part 3 – The House and The Mission
The battle to buy my first house and the continued pursuit of my mission.
- Goddamn Underwriter! On June 29th, my loan officer, “Greg”, told me that the underwriter wouldn’t sign off on my loan because the distance between my well and septic did not meet an FHA regulation. When I revealed that I was being evicted, Greg yelled, “Goddamn underwriter!”
- There’s No **** In My Water My efforts to resolve the well-to-septic issue included a pristine water test which showed that there was literally no **** from the septic getting into my water.
- MY Signature?!?! On July 2nd, I called Greg because I suspected that he was backing out of his commitment to my loan. Greg was furious when I pointed out his signature on the loan commitment letter that I also signed on June 15th.
- A Sinking Feeling The week after the Fourth of July, I felt my dream house slipping away as it became clear that my lender wasn’t interested in lending to me anymore.
- Redemption On July 9th, I came up with the perfect thing to say to get my house back.
- Home On August 6th, I closed on the purchase of my first house.
- Bullies Even after I got his illegal eviction lawsuit dismissed and moved out of his property, Bob continued to threaten me with lawsuits.
- Banner In May 2022, I hung my banner to ensure that I keep fighting no matter how many times I get knocked down and feel like quitting.
The Start of My Mission
“Hi, my name is on my banner. I’m a software engineer who once had a successful career, but I became depressed after moving to Chicago at the end of 2013. As a result of this depression, I haven’t been employed since 2016 and have been on Social Security Disability Insurance since 2018.
Although it is primarily the depression that made me disabled, I am also diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. Consequently, I have found that my environment has been a major factor in my level of functioning. I have been thriving since I bought my first house in 2021, but I was a shell of myself between 2016 and 2018 when I lived in small apartments with lots of distractions.
So in 2019, I rented a house in northwest Connecticut, which was a much better environment for me to write software.

I liked living in this house for the most part. The main exception was that my landlord, “Bob,” sometimes bullied me and made my life more stressful, even before the events described here.
When I went on disability, my original plan was to pursue my own unique software projects, with the idea that eventually one of them would lead to my success again. While I’m proud of these projects shown on my portfolio, the end of 2020 was a low point for me because they hadn’t led to anything yet, and I was running out of motivation to write software on my own. I was also running out of money because the house in Litchfield cost more than I could afford on disability. This was a calculated risk because my previous two apartments were poor environments for me where I didn’t have a chance to overcome my disability.
At the start of 2021, I began my mission of getting a work-from-home job and going off disability. Shortly afterward, Bob told me he was interested in selling the house I was renting. I told him that I was interested in buying his house, but that I needed to get a job first to afford it. I wasn’t aware of his urgency to sell his house until after I started applying for jobs.
I was feeling rather disabled in December 2020, because my depression had reached another peak and I was becoming less and less productive. To start digging myself out of this hole, my focus in January 2021 was on self-discipline and productivity. After working hard to restore some of my self-confidence, I began preparing to apply for jobs in February by documenting my software projects at”
Why Is This Eviction Still Happening?
“I decided to try representing myself by emailing Jill. In this email, I tried to appeal to Jill’s sense of humanity, to demonstrate that I was moving out as quickly as possible, and to subtly point out that continuing to threaten me might not be the best idea. I didn’t mention the moratorium because I didn’t think I had to recite any laws to an attorney. This is the first sentence of my email, which I sent on Tuesday, June 22nd:
Hi Jill: My name is Doug Osborne and I’m a software engineer on disability, diagnosed with autism, ADHD, anxiety and depression.”
Revenge of the Nerd
“I can even forgive Sam’s numerous attempts to agitate me because he was just trying his best to protect Jill. I thought of these attempts as “bully tactics,” because bullies love to see their targets get upset. But after dealing with Bob for over two years, I had taught myself how to defeat the bully: no matter what they do, don’t get pissed off because you’re giving them exactly what they want.
After all of Bob’s threats, Jill’s attempt to cash in on what was perceived as a successful intimidation tactic, and then Sam’s efforts to bully me away from a lawsuit against them, I had somehow managed to make the bullies afraid of me: a software engineer on disability, diagnosed with autism, ADHD, anxiety and depression.”
“As for the others who tried to bully me and made it harder for me to buy my house, Greg’s July 9th text message was the last I’ve heard from any of them. I think that Bob, Jill, Sam, and Greg thought they could intimidate me because I’m on disability, but they all underestimated me. Only Bob didn’t seem to learn what I learned myself from dealing with them: that I can stand up for myself and even push back when I want to, and that I am actually far from disabled.”
I start every morning by looking at my banner and saying, “not today.” But the best part of my day is after I’ve worked hard on my mission, and then I kick my ass until I finish my workout, and then I get to say it like “NOT TODAY!!!!” because I did not quit today! Now I even have a NOT TODAY sign out by my mailbox.

As I’m writing this in March of 2023, I’ve still yet to complete my mission, even though I’ve interviewed with some 30 companies since I hung my banner. But like I had to in order to buy my first house, I am not about to quit fighting until I finally succeed.
Because Doug Osborne DOES NOT QUIT.“
Part 1 of a Trilogy
My first book covers 2021 and the start of my mission of getting a job and going off disability. I am currently working hard to complete my mission so I can write the ending to the sequel, Not Today!
Doug Osborne Does Not Quit is about believing in yourself, while Not Today! will be about trying and failing over and over and over again until you finally succeed.
Do You Believe Now? (title inspired by Coach Prime) will conclude the trilogy, and will be about the fight for my future success. I will begin the road to success by doing whatever it takes to make an impact for my next company.
Get inspired by the original story behind my banner at Doug Osborne DOES NOT QUIT: The Web Page. For further inspiration, order Doug Osborne Does Not Quit: The House Behind My Banner today!