This page shows the current color palettes my program uses to randomly pick the color for each line.
I currently use 5 color palettes.
Color Chart
Palette | Colors | Shades | Total |
Contrast 60 | 12 | 5 | 60 |
Contrast 132 | 12 | 11 | 132 |
Light 24 | 24 | 10 | 240 |
Dark 24 | 24 | 7 | 168 |
Medium 24 | 24 | 9 | 216 |
Colors = number of base colors.
Shades: number of shades for each color.
The Contrast 60/132 palettes include the primary, secondary and tertiary colors of the RGB color wheel. The Light/Medium/Dark 24 palettes also include the quaternary colors.
The Base Colors
Apparently even the quaternary colors (indented) have names:
- Red
- Crimson
- Rose
- Aubergine
- Magenta
- Amethyst
- Violet
- Indigo
- Blue
- Cerulean
- Azure
- Celeste
- Cyan
- Aquamarine
- Spring Green
- Emerald
- Green
- Apple Green
- Chartreuse
- Citron
- Yellow
- Amber
- Orange
- Vermilion
- Red
The difference between each consecutive color’s RGB values is 64 (e.g, Vermillion is 255,64,0)
All of the Colors In Each Palette
Contrast 60
Contrast 132
Light 24
(quaternary colors on the right)
Dark 24
Medium 24
Feel Free to Skip All of this…
Another Chart with Numbers
Palette | Avg | Light | Dark |
Contrast 60 | 89,89,90 | 0,198 | 51,127 |
Contrast 132 | 91,91,92 | 78,219 | 34,88 |
Light 24 | 126,126,123 | 128,192 | 96,111 |
Dark 24 | 66,66,72 | (-32),47 | 30,55 |
Medium 24 | 89,89,91 | 96,160 | 30,55 |
The light and dark columns show the values and colors for red and blue. The values are adjusted for blues since blue is visually darker than red and green.
Avg – Average value of R/G/B values of all the colors in the palette.
Light -The lightest shade of the color represented by the highest individual R/G/B value of that color. For example, the lightest shade of red is 255,78,78 for Contrast 132 and 255,128,128 for Light 24. The negative 32 for Dark 24 is because the lightest shade of red is 223,0,0 – (32 less than pure red).
Dark – the darkest shade of each color.
Notes and Stuff
Contrast 60 and Contrast 132 originated from a 24 color palette I found online (see: New Colors) which has 6 base colors with 4 shades of each color, which I adapted by increasing the shades and adding the tertiary colors of the RGB color wheel.
The Contrast Adjustment
My program increases the contrast of each image after adding the similarity shading layer (otherwise, there would be no black). What I didn’t realize was that this adjustment works separately on the R, G, and B values of each pixel: Values below 127.5 are moved closer to 0 while values above 127.5 are moved towards 255.
This unfortunately had an unintended effect on the original 24 color palette that I found online:
Whoever made this palette made an adjustment to blue (making the shades lighter) and a smaller adjustment to yellow (making them slightly darker) in an attempt to make the colors in each row roughly the same brightness visually. However, I think he over-adjusted for blue particularly for the last row, where I think the blue is clearly the brightest color in that row.
Unfortunately, the contrast adjustment makes this even worse:
All of the last row is darker except for the blue (which was/is at the midpoint of 0,0,127). Another noticeable difference is that the 2nd row is a lot closer to the 1st here than in the original palette.
It took me a while to realize this effect, and both the Contrast 60 and 132 themes have some of the same issues (the light blue is way too light, for example). More detail on these palettes is available on these pages: New Colors and The Editor Color Palette.
The colors for the light/medium/dark 24 palettes were all programmatically generated with this adjustment factored in.