New Format

There’s a lot of content on this site – but it’s admittedly difficult to navigate with many unfinished pages that often go off on tangents.

For that reason I decided to post most new content in blog format.  New galleries will still have their own pages, and when I get to it I might even finish explaining the process on the Level GeneratorSimilarity Maps, and The Process pages (among others).  

Posted by admin

A Crazy Line

The most interesting part of my computer generated art is the lines.  In the latest set (101×99), there are over 100 lines on average in each image.  The below image includes one of my favorite lines: 

The next image isolates the line that I am referring to: 

The center is by far the most interesting part of this line – but not the only thing.  The 39 consecutive “steps” that connect the center to the outside is cool, and the outside part manages to not be too boring considering most lines that hang around the outside for that long are.  

The bottom right of the center part is the coolest though: 

In this small area, the line loops around 6 different dots – including it’s own dot.  The line is always within 2 tiles of itself (the minimum, since I don’t allow lines to “touch” itself).  There are many points where the line is within 2 tiles of 2 separate parts of the line – which is pretty rare. 

I’m not claiming I’ve never seen anything like it before – but I am claiming I’ve never noticed anything like it before. 

Yes, More Stats

  Tiles Line Dir Changes
Total 2005 159
Inner 914 71
Steps 39 39
Outer 1052 49

The 2005 tiles is over 20% of the board and over 3 times longer than the next longest line in the level (623 tiles).  


Posted by admin