

Levels Generated 12006
Generated on AWS 5266
Fast Settings (AWS) 2093
Processing Time 14 days
Manual Time 5 days
Selected for Imaging  60
In Gallery 30
Images Generated >3000
In Gallery 55*

*- the last 5 images were added later on after experimenting with a new color palette.  

All of the levels for this gallery were generated with a new setting that adds some randomness at the cost of speed.  This made it even slower than 100×100 – from about 1000 levels per day to 600 per day on my machine.  That is why I experimented with Amazon Web Services.  A virtual machine on AWS ran for 5 days, generating 5266 levels at a cost of 86 dollars.  The rate of about 1050 levels per day is inflated since 40% of the levels were generated in 25% of the total processor time due to different settings that increased throughput. 

Just before I terminated the VM, I changed 1 line of code that tripled the processing speed.  At first, I didn’t think the change would have any impact on the levels – but I was wrong.  The changed fixed a funny little bug that effectively (and unintentionally) added more randomness where I didn’t know there was any.  

1858 of the 12000 levels were generated after the change, but only 3 out of 60 were chosen by my program (15% vs 5% of the total).  This could have been random luck – but my program liked these levels even less in the earlier stages of filtering:  

The first 3 passes reduced the total levels from 12006 to 1500 – with a 50% reduction each pass.  Only 70 of the 1858 new levels made it this far – again from just over 15% of the total to about 5%.   Oddly enough – according to my program, this makes the speed trade-off almost completely fair.  

Of the 3 levels that did make it – 2 of them the computer ranked in the top 10  (albeit, at rank 9 and 10).  The 3rd ranked at 47.  

According to my own rankings – 1 of the levels is possibly my favorite, 1 of them is about right in the middle (it was the last image cut), and 1 of them didn’t even get a second look.  

I suppose I will find out when the next set completes whether this code change is worth it or not. 

Previous gallery:  95×85

Next gallery:  111×99