120×110 Is Out


Orange is the theme.  Read about the new colors (including orange):  here.

For detailed notes and images before/after editing, click here.

The gallery features only 4 images compared to the 16-17 of the last two galleries and the 30+ of most galleries before that.  I explain this decision and provide many other notes about the set on the gallery page.


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111×109 Before and After, and a New Favorite

This page shows versions of each image in the 111×109 gallery before and after manual line edits.  There are also some boring technical details about the gallery and notes about each image. 

This page shows the many different versions/revisions of my new favorite image, with some boring technical details about each revision.  


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111×109 Is (finally) Done

111×109 gallery

Like the 111×99 set there are just 17 images for 16 levels.  And like the 111×99 set – I changed the color of lines for every image (though, the images are still all generated by my program without editing).  

I spent much longer editing the images for this set though.  Here’s a comparison:

Set Board Size Avg Lines Changed Sum LL
111×99 10989 112.8 6.7 1929
111×109 12099 152.4 23.2 3004

This is a half-sized version of my favorite image from the set: 


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I looked at 1991 New Images Today

And deleted 1904 of them.  The remaining 87 have a chance to show up in my next gallery (111×109), though most (if not all) will have line edits before they do.  


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Two New Images – and Favorites

Full post here:  Two New Images

Both of these are from the 100×100 mega-set (which has managed to go from disappointing, to favorite, to disappointing, and back to favorite in my estimation).  They are probably my favorite two images right now – and came very close  killing the 111×99 set. 

Here are small versions of each: 




Posted by admin

111×99 is Out


Big patterns dominate this mini-set with just 17 images compared to the 50+ of my recent sets.  

The phantom dots bug fix turns out to make a really big difference – and not in a good way.  That being said – I would have gone nuts over this set 2 months ago, especially images like this: 

thumbnail only, see the gallery for a full size image

I haven’t seen a perfect thingy like this before this set – not even close.  Sadly, a previous image in the same gallery kind of ruins both this image, and itself: 

Bummer.  This is the problem with the big, simple patterns though – eventually, I’ll see another version of it come out of my program.  


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Phantom Dots

A small change to one line of code tripled the speed of my level generator, but at a cost:  the levels themselves were affected, but it wasn’t until recently that I figured out why.  

Phantom dots. 

The change effectively fixed a bug that could result in the line drawing algorithm think there are a pair of dots that isn’t there.

How much difference can two dots make?  Below is an example: 


The first grid shows how a typical line drawing algorithm would draw a line connecting the two purple dots.  The second grid shows how the line is drawn with the red dots.  

Read more about this change and it’s effect on the Phantom Dots page.  

Posted by admin

111×99 Is Close

The longest phase of the process is complete – my program has generated 12,017 levels in about 200 hours of processing and is now running the similarity filtering to pick 60 of those levels for imaging.  This should take between 10-12 hours – after which it will generate 12 images for each of the 60 levels, which will probably take about 4 hours.  

I will be asleep before it finishes the selection and after it finishes generating images – but if all goes well – my program should immediately start making levels for the following set (111×109).  My computer gets no rest. 

After it’s done it’s job – it’s my turn – which is why I’ve made 4 blog entries in 1 day – I won’t touch the website for days and anything unfinished will likely be forgotten (the fate of many of the pages on this site, unfortunately).


Posted by admin

New Colors

Since the very first gallery the theme(s) used to pick the colors of the lines hasn’t changed much – and not at all since the 75×75 that reintroduced cyan levels.  

The new theme was taken from the second response on this page.

Here is the new theme: 

And here are a few images generated with the theme: 

Read more about it here:  New Colors.

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101×99 Gallery

The 101×99 gallery is here.  There are a total of 55 images from 30 different levels. 

I think it’s the best gallery yet.  My only regret is that after I spent 5 days manually selecting/regenerating/editing the images and posted the gallery – I added a new color theme that I think makes them better.  The last 5 images were added to the gallery later and generated with the new theme.  

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