
See:  111×109 Notes and Line Edits for images before/after editing and individual image notes. 

See:  111×109 Level 25 for a lot of detail about my favorite image in the set.  

Phantom Dots are back in this set after my experiment with removing them for the 111×99 set.  As a result the patterns are a lot more complex (and I think more interesting), though admittedly less perfect than the previous set and more on par with the 100×100 and 101×99 sets. 

There are 16 images for 15 levels – 1 less of each than the previous set.  The reduced gallery size (compared to galleries preceding 111×99) is mainly a result of line editing – though I also think I’ve been a bit over-inclusive in previous sets.   There are several levels and alternate versions of the levels posted that I spent significant time on that didn’t make it – I might post a “B-Sides” gallery later.  

Here’s a comparison with the last set focused on line editing. 

Set Board Size Avg Lines Changed Sum LL
111×99 10989 112.8 6.7 1929
111×109 12099 149.7 23.2 3004

Another note is the massive difference in line lengths – this is only partially a result of the phantom dots bug.  The sets began with 60 levels each averaging 133.5 and 145.0 dots respectively. 

This is the first set where the levels I picked for the gallery have on average longer lines than the set of 60 levels – usually I tend to pick the more “perfect” levels which have fewer lines, but in this case I was sick of perfect levels after the 111×99 set. 

Previous gallery:  111×99

Next gallery:  120×110