For images before/after editing and individual image notes, click here: 120×110 Notes and Edits.
New Colors And The Return of Orange
Read about the 132 color theme and 6 added tertiary colors here: The Editor Color Palette. Orange is one of the new colors that was dropped from the original metro theme when i switched to the 24 color theme. It is featured in every image in the set – sometimes in a subtle way, and sometimes.. not.
Uniqueness and Transitions
My main goal while selecting and editing the images for this set was to make the overall feel of each level unique – primarily within the set but also compared to images in previous sets.
I judge this primarily on “transitions” – I look at one image on its own, then I switch to another one. Ideally, I want to be able to switch back and forth between two images and feel a “stun” effect each way.
While the additional colors certainly help, I believe this set has a better transition effect of any 4 consecutive images in any of my previous galleries.
Four Images
Yes, there are only 4 images. For comparison, the last two galleries (111×109 and 111×99) had 16 and 17 images, while most of the galleries before that have between 30 and 60 images each.
The low image count is a result of a few factors:
- Much more selectivity on my own part. This is partly due to the time I spend editing lines, and partly due because I just don’t feel the need to include every image that looks nice or has one interesting part to it anymore.
- Disappointment with the set. Specifically, I didn’t see the potential for any of the images to match my favorite image from the 111×109 set (and my current overall favorite).
- After my initial evaluation of this set, I made the decision to go smaller and not bigger for the next set. Before this evaluation, I hadn’t decided whether the next set would be 120×120 (which would have taken 2-3 weeks), or 100×100 (about a week). Basically, I didn’t see myself filling 2-3 weeks of time working on the images for this set. Additionally, I am trying to run a very unscientific test on the added value (if there is any) of increasing the board size past a certain point.
Previous set: 111×109
Next set: 100×100 #2