Link to gallery: The 80s Unedited
A major update to my program makes the lines more natural while adding an additional line glow layer to each image.
Here is an example from the 2nd image in the gallery:

The line glow is generated by drawing thicker lines that follow the same path as the first image – and then applying a standard blurring algorithm with multiple passes (currently, 6).
The lines are drawn afterwards and follow the glow.
Since each line’s glow blends into adjacent line’s glow, the lines and dots end up having a slight gravitational pull that effects the path of the lines.
This makes the areas with short lines look even more natural, and also far more interesting, in my opinion.

Since the lines are drawn on top of the line glow layer, they are still well-defined even when the glow surrounding them is brighter than the line.
A slight downside is that the new images don’t reduce well. You can see this if you zoom into the area above on the images of the full levels. which were reduced to about a quarter of the height/width of the original available on the gallery page.